Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Victory & The Quirks of Being an American Expat
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
DID YOU KNOW - *aka Random Thoughts/Facts from the Middle East
- that alarm clocks are unnecessary here? The 4 am call to prayer blasting from the speakers of every mosque in the city each morning is 100% more effective in waking you up than any screeching buzzer will ever be.
- that there is a turn on switch for absolutely everything? Not just for turning on lights, but a switch to turn on the water, another to turn on the hot water, one to turn the ignition to the stove, and there is even one on every single outlet. Also, that there is no such thing as having an electrical outlet in the bathroom!? Want to shave, curl your hair, or use an electric toothbrush? Forget it! But each bathroom does come equipped with a bidet and a foot wash just in case you were feeling in need of a quick clean.
- that in order to get your driver's license in Qatar you have to pass an eye exam where they make you read a row of letters in the tiniest size possible? But the truth of the matter is that they should really test how well you can see the giant Land Cruisers that are constantly about to run you over.
- that running outside in temperatures of 30-35 degrees centigrade at 80-90% humidity is really, really hard? Oh yes, and this is at night! Also, that the writer of this blog has foolishly signed up to run in the Dubai marathon on January 22nd and consequently has to run almost every day in that heat by choice? And furthermore, that the driving in this city is too dangerous for running on or along the streets and that there are hardly any parks so there is really only one safe place to run? It is a 6 kilometer long crowded path along the ocean where all you can do is run back and forth until you hit the distance you want to run.
- that maps are rendered useless because the roads are constantly changing due to the fact that the ENTIRE city is one MASSIVE construction site?
- that they pretty much don’t sell tampons here? I had to go to three stores before I found a place that sold them. They are OB without an applicator and I am not happy about it. I should have known better and bought like a years supply of Tampax Pearls before I left. God you know it is bad when you miss your tampons.
- that the have more shopping and more malls than the whole world could possibly need? Also that one of the malls is modeled after the city of Venice and has a canal throughout it with boats you can ride in? (promise to post pictures soon) Side note: all the Qatari women carry the most ludicriously expensive handbags I have ever seen. Talk about purse envy; this girl has got a bad case. These bags make my Coach and Marc Jacobs look cheap!
- that truly it is NOT terrible living here? It is just a bit ridiculous/comical at times.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Super Suit
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Flippin Awesome Flyers
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A Perfect Ten
* Only 10 more days until my fiance' and I are FINALLY reunited at last
* Only 10 more days of work on my current project assignment
Just wanted to put that out there.
In other news, there was a dust storm unlike any other in Sydney, Australia yesterday. While it had major impacts on commuting and respiratory health; it did result in some pretty awesome pictures. Here are a few of my favorites:
What you are seeing is the light of dawn reflecting off of the dust particles. These photos are real and not altered.
Monday, September 21, 2009
My Middle East Must-Haves
Due to the culture of my new home, I will no longer be allowed to expose my shoulders or my knees (and the leg above them) in public. In addition to the clothes pictured above, I also purchased a slew of stylish wraps, pashminas, and cardigans (I could not find picutres) to help a bit with the covering up. Most of the purchases I made are in light colors and super-lightweight fabric due to the extremely hot temperatures in Qatar. Hopefully, my wadrobe will be acceptible and they won't stone or flog me as my dear co-worker Lambo lovingly pointed out to me at 6:20am in the morning last week (not the best way to approach me in the morning). No worries - Qatar is MUCH, MUCH more liberal than it's Islamic neighbors...or so I am told. Guess we will have to wait and see!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
White Girl Dance Moves
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sick Macbook
If you are a Mac owner, you know that your computer is more than just a computer. Heck you don't even call it your "computer" or "laptop" you call it your "Mac" or "Macbook," (and even in some cases your baby, ahem). You feel your Mac is like an extension of yourself. You never thought you could love an inanimate object until you owned a Mac.
Well, I am feeling a little less than whole at the moment because after 2.5 years of ownership I have had my *first* ever problem with my Macbook Pro. And when I say first ever, I mean it, I haven't even had minor problems like freezing or programs quitting unexpectedly with my Mac. For those of you who have owned an IBM or Dell or any other Window's based computer; you know that not having even a minor glitch in 2.5 years is like a miracle. I mean being victim of viruses and minor software glitches is almost a stardard daily thing in the Window's world. But I digress...
Anyway, my optical drive died mid upgrade to Snow Leopard; so the upgrade disk is stuck in the drive. Thankfully, I have Apple-Care and parts and labor for replacing the drive are FREE (for those of you that don't know apple-care is a 3 year complete warranty on your Mac for the cost of $300). Well let me tell you, the cost of replacing the drive and the service would be WELL over that $300. Plus they are upgrading my RAM and doing a "once-over" check on my Mac to make sure everything is up to par. That's what I call service.
So my Macbook has been in the Mac hospital since last Friday and due to my work schedule I am not able to pick it up until this Friday. Ughh! I am seriously having withdrawls! Plus, I had a killer weekend in Seattle and want to post a picture-filled blog post about it...but I can't upload the pictures from my camera without my Mac. Bummer.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Goodbye Dear Friend
PS - You really do look awesome and not at all ridiculous with that roof box, no matter what the fiance' says.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Living Volcano
Lately, I have felt like I am going to explode. Heck, I have had quite a few mini-eruptions (read: warning the volcano is about to blow!) already. I don't want to have a Mount St. Helens style eruption from all the stress anytime soon. So I have resolved to just deal with one move related task a day and try to roll with the punches.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's Official
My fiance' and I will be relocating at the start of October to here!
We are super excited and a bit nervous. But all in all it is going to be a great experience.
So keep posted because it is sure to be quite the adventure!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Under Construction
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Straight out of a Horror Flick
Bunce & R took a frigid swim out to explore this tiny island:
After spending an awesome afternoon hiking & swimming we returned back to camp and experience a scene that was practically straight out of a horror flick. At the dirt road entrance that leads to our camp a sketchy fake looking ambulence was parked. A large shirtless man was sitting in the front seat. From the dirt road turnoff it is about 3 miles back through the woods to where we were camping and we had left J. Moose at the campsite with the three dogs since she had broken her foot rock climbing last week. We were a bit worried when we saw the ambulence, but it got even sketchier as we drove back to our site. Walking along the side of the road was this middle aged guy in a white shirt and hunting vest with blood all over his arms and face. He seriously looked like he had just killed something or ... someone. A bit of panic overtook us as we sped up to get back to camp, only to find that she and the dogs were gone. Oh Shit.
We get out of our cars and just kind of look around at each other absolutely speechless. Just then we hear some barking and the three dogs come running out of the woods; followed by J. Thank God! She had not seen the creepy, bloody guy and was alright. Then two police cars come flying up the dirt road and zip right past our campsite. At that moment we were all pretty sure that we had just seen a murderer.
About 30 minutes later the police vehicles come back down the road and we flag them down to tell them about the suspicious, bloody, creepster we saw. Turns out he was not a murderer; but some guy who was camping with his buddies that all got drunk, beat him up, pushed him off of a cliff, stole his car and drove off. Oh that is MUCH better than an ax murderer! (note the sarcasm) Sounds like that guy has some winner friends. The police officers ensured us that the situation was taken care of and that we would be safe where we were. Thankfully our group consisted of about 8 guys and three really big dogs, otherwise I don't think I would have been able to sleep that night.
Anyway, we rounded out the night with the usual campfire cooking, drinking, & awesomeness.
Super delicious Washington sweet corn.
All in all a great weekend. Oh yeah and I am super thankful that my friends aren't the kind that get drunk, beat each other up and drive away.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Age Appropriate

....and I sort of feel dirty for thinking it. Sort of.
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Waiting in Vain

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wedding Disaster Dreams
I know minor things here and there will ultimately go wrong on my wedding day. I am not set on having a "perfect" day, hell, my engagement was far from flawless (that is another story for another time: a bleeding handful of prickers, tears, giant mosquitoes, Alaska, champagne) but I would not have wanted it any other way. Hopefully this dream isn't any indicator of what is to come!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Who has tickets to the midnight opening of Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince (or as I like to refer to it HP6)?
Oh heck yeah I do.
Who will be showing up to work late due to 2 hours & 45 minutes of wizarding gloriousness?
That would be me.
Who is not ashamed about any of this at all?
Me!! And not in the slightest.

Oh yeah, and I totally will be getting a set of these glasses.
JK Rowling, you are a genius. Also, congrats on HP6 being Pope approved.
Friday, July 10, 2009
What Happens When Your Partner in Crime Abondons You to Go to Paris & Your Fiance is On Assignment...
So E, hope you are enjoying this...
While I am "relaxing" in the wood to the sound of this....

[Disclaimer: Not that I don't love kids or the people I am going with aren't is just one of those different phase of life things. Plus seriously, Paris...jealous!]
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Unintentionally Awesome
This was me tonight....

I completely missed a BBQ and Thursday night happy hour as I accidentally passed out in a position extremely similar to Brody in this picture...except more embarrassingly I was not watching TV but getting ready to do "The Shred" workout DVD and was in a sports bra and running shorts. Awesome.